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Steps to Jesus

A Step to Jesus is an interaction with the content within or across tool(s) that implies that the person is moving closer to Jesus. Traditionally this was praying a prayer of filling in a form.

With more than 18.7 million steps to Jesus and 2.7 million contact forms filled out worldwide, almost 5000 people make this decision every single day. The impact of a seemingly small act can change the world.

A Codex course is an online interactive course in which you can learn more about a specific topic. Some courses offer an e-coach to help you.
A reading plan helps you to engage with the Word of God. Reading plans often address a specific topic or part of Scripture.
The number of unduplicated visitors coming to one of the websites. Every user is only counted once, even if he visits the website multiple times a day.


Knowing God is an introduction website about the Christian faith and the message of Jesus. On the Knowing God website, people are introduced in the basics of the Christian faith by articles that explains how you can get to know God and how to follow Jesus. Every visitor is invited to make the next step in their journey of faith.

Knowing God is an introduction website about the Christian faith and the message of Jesus. On the Knowing God website, people are introduced in the basics of the Christian faith by articles that explains how you can get to know God and how to follow Jesus. Every visitor is invited to make the next step in their journey of faith.
Number of languages in which we offer this tool.
A Miracle Every Day is a daily, personalized email that encourages people in who they are in Christ and that helps them grow in their faith and personally.
The Life Of Jesus is a word-for-word movie of the Gospel of John. This biography of Jesus can be used on different platforms.

A Miracle Every Day

A Miracle Every Day is a daily, personalized email that encourages people in who they are in Christ and that helps them grow in their faith and personally.

An subscriber is someone who signed up for A Miracle Every Day.
An active subscriber is someone who has opened at least 1 email in the past 30 days.
"Number of subscribers on Youtube."
Number of people who joined the Facebook prayer group. In this group, people can ask for prayer, or they can pray for others. We currently offer this group in English and French.
Number of published testimonial stories on the MyStory platform.